Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Inspirations from a Brilliant Mad Man

Go onto any social media site and you'll see "theme weddings" of all shapes and sizes.  Video game weddings, hipster weddings, geek weddings, rainbow weddings, etc.  You get the idea.  And great ideas they are!  It allows a couple to personalize their event with something they hold very dear to their hearts and lets the guests in on something very unique about them.

While we are already doing this sustainability thang, Randy and I are both film and art fans.  We love film.  We love art.  We love when they come together to make something spectacular.  One man in particular brings together storytelling and art so well that we want to incorporate his visual style into our special day.  So meet our favorite happy, fat, bearded, spectacled mastermind!

OH HELL NAH!!!!!!!!
No, not THAT happy, fat, bearded, spectacled mastermind, THIS one:

The face of romance.  Right here.

Yup, that's another person you probably wouldn't want to associate with weddings either, Guillermo del Toro.  He's mostly known for his dark, atmospheric horror, philosophical writing style, stunning visuals and terrorizing the shit out of little kids in damned near all of his original works.

So you're probably asking the same question my coworker shrieked when I mentioned this to her: "OH GOD WHY?!"  Well, for one, "Pacific Rim" is pretty much OUR movie.  Let's face it: it's a Mexican soap opera with giant robots and Lovecraftian nightmares.  We've seen it about 50 times collectively if not more.  We also found these from Great Big Bag of Trinkets on Etsy:


And it's kinda snowballing from there.  Not to mention we are already incorporating a lot of his themes into the wedding without even realizing it until we took a step back and looked: nature, bugs, fairies, powerful music and so on.

The potluck won't be nearly as dangerous...I hope.

Plus, this is going to focus us.  We were getting to a point to where we wanted ALL OF THE THINGS for the wedding and it was starting to get a bit chaotic.  Now we have a series of movies to focus on and pull ideas from.  And get creative with.  Some of the films are easier than others.  YOU try and figure out how the hell "The Devil's Backbone" is gonna fit in here!

Not a good look for the ring bearer, just saying.

We have already come up with some wild ideas and we are really excited to share this with our friends and family.  It's gonna be quite an interesting and we're already having fun with it.  And it's that what a wedding is all about in the end?

Not to mention the VOW SPARRING!!

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